$118.00 USD

Savings of $108

14-Day Fertility Cleanse+ Program

What you'll get:

✔ 14-day fertility cleanse done for you meal plan + 22 delicious recipes. These include all cleansing principles and taste delicious. You don’t even know you are on a cleanse!

✔ Quick video training on the top 5 fertility cleansing foods that work wonders and the top 7 foods to eliminate right away to detoxify your body quickly

✔ Weekly prep guides to make it super easy for you! All you need to do is see what ingredients you have at home, grocery shop for the rest and follow step by step prep instructions

✔ The 2 surprising At Home Detox Therapies to support natural detoxification pathways

✔ An EASY access reference guide with my Fertility Cleanse+ workbook to keep you focused and organized along the way

✔ Self Awareness Hack! Accountability JOURNAL to keep you on track and motivated for the 2-week period… and beyond

✔ Easy to follow quick videos on a morning breath work and Yoga ritual designed with targeted detox principles (just a few minutes a day makes a big difference)

🍋 CLICK HERE to learn more about the cleanse.

Fertility Blood Labs Blueprint Guide

What you'll get:

✔  A 12 page guide to help you understand what blood labs are needed when testing for fertility including tests for cycle day 3 and mid luteal phase

✔  Guidance on specific blood labs to ask your doctor for when requesting a requisition to understand your preconception health 

✔  The ‘optimal’ vs normal reference ranges for each blood lab to help you interpret the results

✔  Personalized templates for each blood lab to help you benchmark your results against 'optimal' vs. conventional ranges for fertility

✔  The ‘optimal’ vs normal reference ranges for your partners sperm health parameters (always ask to see the results even if your doctor tells you they are 'normal')

✔  Access to at-home fertility test kit resources if your doctor doesn’t comply